The Presbyterian Patriotic Potluck was a success! Stay tuned for information about another potluck being planned for sometime in August.

The Moderator for Session has changed and will be Pastor Ann Melick, pastor at Condit Presbyterian Church and Chair of the Congregational Life Commission of the Scioto Valley Presbytery. Pastor Melick has moderated several Session meetings before and is familiar with First Presbyterian Church.

Session meets July 22 (delayed one week due to VBS) and will be discussing resumption of offering, communion, musical accompaniment.

Our Sabbatical Theme is CHUG!  Community, Harmony, Unity, and Growth.  This week, we explore community, as children and adults attend Vacation Bible School, please pray for the teachers, adults and children participating in VBS. Continue to pray for our church community. Next Sunday will be a celebration and sharing of the VBS week.

In August, our church leaders will participate in a two-day online training session, Healthy Boundaries, sponsored by the Presbytery.  We will learn how to improve as leaders to better serve our church community.

During the Sabbatical, your prayer concerns may be sent to the Prayer Chain, in care of Debby Galloway. For Congregational Care, such as visitations, phone calls, etc., please reach out to your Deacons. During the Sabbatical, Dick Mickley serves as Head of Staff.

Currently, the contact for Emergency pastoral concerns (sudden illness, death) is Kathi Kinney, 614-725-6241. She will make contact with the pastor from Presbytery who is covering First Presbyterian Church.

For other concerns, please contact the Sabbatical Committee:  Justin Hedges, Diane Crosthwaite, Candy Brown, and Kathi Kinney.