Worship & Bible Studies


Coffee & Fellowship

Sundays | 9:00am 
Complimentary coffee and pastries are available in the Fellowship Room (outside the sanctuary).

Sign up to provide a fellowship treat!



Sundays | 10:30am
Adults and children of all ages gather in the sanctuary for worship. Toward the beginning of the servce, there is a brief children’s segment, after which kids ages 0-3 may be taken to the nursery, and kids ages 4 thru 4th grade may be dismissed to junior church.

Livestream services are available via Facebook, YouTube, and our website.


Men's Bible Study

Tuesdays | 8:00am
This gathering offers a critical approach to the study of the books of the Bible. Members take turns preparing for the study each week.

For more information, please contact Dick Mickley.


Women's Bible Study

Wednesdays | 9:30-11:00am 
This is an informal Bible study that focuses on fellowship and prayer for one another. Books are chosen, and one chapter is discussed each week. These books, paid for by the church, provide a framework for our studies, but anyone is welcome to attend even if they haven’t read the scheduled chapter(s).

For more information, please contact Donna Maley.

Educational Offerings

Education programs at First Presbyterian Church serve as an engaging and welcoming platform for people of all ages to connect with others, the church, and God.

We exist the help individuals develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, encourage fellowship among other Christians, and empower life-changing relationships with non-believers.

Our focus is to bring age-appropriate Bible study, worship, and activities where everyone can belong and serve God in various ways. We want you to have a place to sing of God’s grace and love, and to thrive, becoming godly children, men, and women who share the Word of God with the world.


Children's Sunday School

Sundays | 9:15-10:00am
(October thru May)

This program is available for children ages 3 thru 6th grade, mixing music with Bible stories and lessons, activities and crafts, to help kids understand God’s Word.


Adult Sunday School (DISCIPLES)

Sundays | 9:15-10:00am
w/ Diane Crosthwaite

The Disciples Sunday school class meets on the third floor directly above the Ernest Weld room. This class is for senior high students and older. Each week they examine the four lectionary readings for the day, look at the historical perspective, and try to glean God’s message for us today. Everyone is welcome!