Psalm 89:1-2

“I will sing of your steadfast love, O LORD, forever;
with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations.
I declare that your steadfast love is established forever;
your faithfulness is as firm as the heavens”
(Psalm 89:1-2)

Friends, it’s been a heckuva year. And, of course, the change of the calendar is psychologically refreshing, but it does not mean that everything will all of the sudden be better. However, as we stand upon the end of one year and face whatever uncertainties face us in the new (as well as face the certainties that we don’t want), I encourage you to find some way and some manner with which to praise God for His steadfast love.

When we take the risk of viewing the last year through the lens of God’s steadfast love, we are forced to compare the year against the timetable of “forever.” When so compared, what is – really – a year? It is nothing. An eyelash in weight. A micron of size. A whispered cry.

I’m going to keep this one short because your time – on this eve of New Year’s Eve – is better spent making a list of all the ways that God has still been good in these bad times – and then giving thanks for this. See you in 2021, where God’s love will be ready to greet us anew. Amen.